University of Pretoria (UP) Online Application – A Complete Guide

Are you looking for how to apply to the University of Pretoria (UP) for study admission? Then, we are glad you landed on this article. In here, we are taking you through all the necessary information and requirements you need, and most importantly, how you will apply to UP via online or hardcopy paper-based application forms.

What To Know Before Applying To UP

Well, these are quite simple but essential requirements to note them down before you begin your application process either online or hardcopy-paper based application forms.

  • You should personally complete your own application. UP does not use representatives or agents in an application for admission into the school.
  • You should know that UP application closing date is non-negotiable, so apply within application open date.
  • You should be able to provide your year-end Grade 11 marks, or final Grade 12 results. (for South African Students)
  • You should be able to provide your identity documents 

NOTE:  We presume at this point, you have your Grade 11 marks or final Grade 12 examination certificate to further your education to the university; in this case, UP. If you don’t have, it’s unfortunate there’s no way you can apply to UP for admission. 

Foreign applicants should have the necessary examination qualification certificate to study at UP.

UP Online Application.

Reminder: UP has no external website or online links for applicants except University of Pretoria official website. We, therefore, advise you to be careful and recheck the website you apply through in the name of UP for academic admission.

Alright, let’s go straight to the application.

How To Apply To UP Through Online 

  1. Valid email address for your application
  2. Identification documents. South African Student applicants will provide national ID Cards whiles foreign student applicants will provide Passport Number. 
  3. Scan and upload all necessary required documents (i.e National Senior Certificate) in pdf format. 
  4. Pay your application fees with either credit card or into UP bank account. (Account details below).
  5. Read through vividly and check if the information you have provided is accurate and void of errors. (You can’t edit your forms once you click on submit.)
  6. Submit your application (You will receive a student number (EMPLID) in your email and other important procedures that will lead you to check your application results.

This link will take you directly to UP official website online application page. Complete UP online application here UP Online Application Instructions

Yes, you now know how to apply to UP via online process. Let’s also see the hardcopy paper-base application forms process.

Remember, the hardcopy paper-base application forms are for applicants who are not willing to apply via online. 

Note: You should only choose one application form. A single student applicant must not apply through both online and hardcopy paper forms.

UP Hardcopy Paper-base Application.

Applicants who prefer to apply to UP through hardcopy paper-based application forms may consider these things before they apply through hardcopy paper-base for UP admission..

UP Hardcopy Paper-base Application Requirements

  1. The applicant will need a valid email address. Create one if you don’t have any.
  2. The applicant will need an identification document. With this, South African Students will provide their ID Cards whiles foreign student applicant will have to provide a valid Passport Number.
  3. The applicant will need year-end Grade 11 marks, or final Grade 12 results. (For South African Students) and equal examination qualification for foreign students.
  4. Applicant should be able to provide identity documents 

Fill Your UP Hardcopy Paper-base Application Forms.

It is assumed that a hardcopy-paper base application form has a higher risk of committing mistakes. This is attributed to the fact that the applicant is handwriting (manual) all the information with no automatic error checks. In this light, we advise you to do this,

  • Download your application forms from UP official website.
  • Carefully check you have the full pages of the application forms.
  • Read through the instructions carefully.
  • Carefully fill all the necessary information required, correctly and void of writing errors.
  • Attach your application forms payment receipt 
  • Only submit your application through UP postal address. (Do not fax your application)

UP Postal Address 

University of Pretoria
Private Bag x 20

Paying Application Forms Fees

In paying UP application fees, applicants have two choices. They can either pay with credit card or into UP bank account. 

Applicants are advised to recheck if the bank details or the online payment portal is that of UP official payment accounts.  

UP Bank Account Detail

Standard Bank

Account Number 012602604 

Please do not pay through this account in haste. Always verify from UP website for confirmation of the school bank details. 

Apply For UP Resident Accommodation

UP has resident accommodation for applicants who are seeking for resident accommodation from UP.

Applicants can apply for UP resident accommodation after their application have successfully gone through and admitted to study at UP.

These are the guidelines for applying to the University of Pretoria. If for any reason you want to contact UP on personal levels, below are UP contact information.

Student Service Centre (for Contact students):
Contact Centre – Telephone: 012 420 3111
Contact Centre – Email: [email protected]

UPOnline Call Centre (for Online Students):
Call Centre – Telephone: 080 001 4870 (toll-free)
Call Centre – Email: [email protected]

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