Unisa Application Status And Prospectus

Once an application is done, an applicant goes through a whole lot of dilemmas as to whether he/she is been accepted to the most prestigious South African university, the University of South Africa.

Though not all applicants would gain admission to the University of South Africa, it is in our best interest and prayer that the majority reading this post and after going through the outlined process to know your application status gets admitted to UNISA. 

After successfully applying to Unisa, a student number would be given as part of the application process. This number would be used to track your application when the need to check your application status commences. 

Steps To Check Your Application Status

Tracking an application must not be a big issue again as we have outlined the stages an applicant must go through to check if/she gained admission to the University of South Africa (UNISA)

  1. Kindly visit their website on www.unisa.ac.za or your can go straight to the Application status page via https://myadmin.unisa.ac.za/unisa-studentstatus/default.do
  2. Enter your student number and other necessary details that was used during application would be asked on arrival on the application status page
  3. Click continue as the application status page would navigate you to a page which would let an applicant know if his application was successful, pending or denied. 

YES!! Is that simple to check your application status on Unisa portal. But in other circumstances where one faces challenges can contact their respective numbers or can visit the nearest campus to lodge his/her complaints. 

How To Download UNISA Prospectus

The Prospectus for UNISA’s 2022 undergraduate and postgraduate are available for download, printed or accessed online.

Unisa Prospectus

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