How To Access SPU Application Status And Prospectus

Normally when an application is done, it goes through a lot of processes before the final verdict that admission is being offered to the prospective applicant. An applicant only gets to know if their application was being considered through the application status query. With the application status, one gets to track his or her own application progress after successfully applying to the University. 

With Sol Plaatje, tracking an application’s status takes a few minutes of an applicant’s time for one to know his faith. In this article, we have detailed the stages and steps that an applicant can use to track their Sol Plaatje University application status. 

How Long Does Sol Plaatje take To Reply?

According to the registrar’s office at Sol Plaatje University, an applicant must take a deep breath and wait for about eight weeks after sending their application to the university before they can track their application status. With this time frame, Sol Plaatje University would have made a final decision as far as your application is concerned. 

Steps To Use To Track Sol Plaatje University Application Status

To check your SPU application status, an applicant must follow these few steps outlined below to view the application status. 

With SPU application status, there is no way an applicant can track their application status online. The Sol Plaatje University has rather put in a mechanism of sending email or SMS which has a firm offer letter to applicants who have gained admission to the university. 

Access SPU Prospectus 

For an applicant to get admission to Sol Plaatje University must first have an idea about what SPU desires from all applicants. What this basically means is an applicant must first have access to the SPU prospectus so as to have a fair idea as to what the university would be offering the prospective applicant. 

Accessing the SPU prospectus is simple as one can get a soft copy via the university’s official website. Below are steps that one can follow to access the SPU prospectus


An applicant must visit SPU’s official website via 


Once the website is fully loaded navigate your mouse cursor to the top menu labeled “STUDY@SPU” which would subsequently give you a submenu. 


In the submenu, click on “PROSPECTUS 2022” which will open a new page where you can download your Sol Plaatje University prospectus.
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