How To Track Unizulu Application Status And Prospectus 

Have you applied to the University of Zululand this year and wondering what is the next step to do?

Have doubts as to whether Unizulu accepted your offer or not? Well, this article is documentation and steps prospective applicants can use to track their application status with the University of Zululand.

Duration Before Unizulu Responds To Application

Well according to the authorities of Unizulu, after an application is made, an applicant must wait between the period of four to six weeks before tracking their application status. 

How To Check Unizulu Application Status

Once a prospective applicant sends in their application to UNIZULU all that is left is for him to track his application status. With Unizulu, checking of application status is done online. With the current state at which technology is evolving all one needs is access to the internet and of course, any device which has the prowess to connect to the internet. 

To cut all the precedents, below are a step by step guide to tracking your UNIZULU application status


An applicant or guardian must visit 


Once the website is fully loaded, the user must navigate the mouse cursor to “CHECK MY APPLICATION” just after the menu titles and click on it 


You would be required to provide details of any of these 3 either “CAO NUMBER”, “ID NUMBER” or “PASSPORT NUMBER”. Once any of the said requested details are provided, click on “SUBMIT” and there you have it your application status with UNIZULU would be known. 

We wish all applicants the best!!

Unizulu Prospectus

As a prospective student wanting to enroll at the University of Zululand first point of contact must be the prospectus. 

The prospectus has vital information which helps applicants know what is at stake for them as far as requirements and criteria are being used by the university. 

Accessing Unizulu’s prospectus can be done online on the institution’s website or better still a direct link that leads a prospective applicant straight to Unizulu’s Prospectus
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