– How To Register And Requirements

With South Africa’s unemployment rates keep increasing year in, and year out, it is best for an alternative solution to be brought into play to help reduce the unemployment rate in the country. With about 3.4 million unemployed youth on the streets of South Africa looks unpleasant and irritating if you are a youth and you happen to be part of the said percentage but worry not again as SAyouth is here to help people gain unemployment freedom. 

SAYouth’s core value is to help solve the youth unemployment rate. So basically SAYouth existence is to help the youth acquire jobs. 

What is SAYouth?

SAYouth is a presidential youth scheme whose primary objective is to help unemployed South African youth get jobs through their mobile app. 

This opportunity must be grabbed by every south African youth as it helps connect them to jobs and work-related opportunities. 

What Is

It is a mobile website that helps unemployed South African youth get job-related opportunities on the mobile website platform.

With the platform, a potential job seeker gets to navigate through contract jobs and permanent jobs among others. 

What Does It Take For One To Register On

As its core responsibility is to help as many youths get job offers as well as to access learning, requirements are not much of their priority as it has just a few criteria an applicant must find themselves within.

Since it is a youth empowerment program the first requirement is the age factor. We all know a youth basic is someone between the ages of 18-35 years. So an applicant must first fall within this said age range. 

Another requirement is that one must be a South African. With these two requirements, an applicant can sign up on the mobile website.

SAYouth Job Offers – What It Entails

Well we know by now a reader/applicant must be asking what kind of jobs SAYouth offers. Since this program was introduced, many youths have been offered employment in the banking sector, and government jobs schemes have been gotten through this platform.

List Of Companies SAYouth Applicants Are Working With 

Currently, numerous companies have granted employment to applicants on SAYouth.mob platform. Below is the list of the few we have currently

  1. Nedbank
  2. Woolworths
  3. FNB
  4. Tyme Bank
  5. Standard Bank
  6. Discovery
  7. Pick n Pay

Other companies include government public sectors. 

Registration for SAYouth – A Step By Step Guide

For now, to be accepted on the SAYouth platform, an applicant or registrant must visit the official website of SAYouth. Please don’t fall for any gimmicks and fake websites as the only website for SAYouth is 

Here are the outlined steps a registrant can use to register with SAYouth


Kindly visit SAYouth’s official website which can be widely accessed by all South Africans.


After the website has fully opened, navigate your mouse cursor to ‘’APPLY FOR OPPORTUNITIES NOW’’ and click on it. 


Now navigate your mouse cursor to ‘’I’M READY TO JOIN’ and click on it. A new page would be opened where you would be ask to ‘’Do you have an RSA ID Number’’ YES or No then you click on YES


You will now need to provide your basic information from your full name, RSA ID Number, Date of birth, contact number as well as your Whatsapp number.

NB: Aside from these stages, you would be taken to the next phase where questions would be asked so as to help determine the best employment for you. 

NB: Once an account is created, any additional information and necessary details can be added and updated on the accounts created. 

Is Legit?

The online mobile website platform is legit. Though there have been complaints regarding fraudulent acts and misleading people to third party websites, the only and we repeat the only website one can signup with is SAYouth’s official website via 

Remember only applications made via would be regarded as VALID

How To Reset Your Password

Since we are human, mistakes are bound to happen. Most times we forget what our passwords are. That is why with there is a way one can reset their password on the platform. 

Below are steps a registrant can use to reset their password when forgotten. 

1. Visit the website via 

2. Navigate your mouse cursor to ‘’LOGIN AND APPLY’’ and click on it. 

3.  After the page loads fully, scroll your mouse to ‘’I FORGOT MY USERNAME/PASSWORD’’ and click on it. 

4. A new page would be opened with a questionnaire to find out how you would want to reset your password which is RESET WITH SMS, RESET WITH EMAIL, or RESET WITH MY SECURITY QUESTION. Pick any one which would be easier to have your password reset

5. A URL would be sent via SMS or EMAIL if you pick any of the two. Click on such a URL to reset your password. 

6. Now after reset you can now login with your new password created. 


In cases where someone registering is facing issues, can quickly contact via email, phone, or even their social media handle

Phone – +27 80 072 7272

Email – [email protected]Facebook –

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