How To Check UP TUKS Application Status And Prospectus

Their motto ‘’With zeal and perseverance, strive towards the goal’’ should at least give everyone a fair idea as to why numerous students wish to be enrolled in Pretoria’s numero uno university. 

As it is widely also known as TUKS or TUKKIES, the University of Pretoria which is situated in Pretoria is also ranked as the 3rd best university in South Africa. 

Duration Before University Of Pretoria Responds To An Application

Once an application is sent through, an email would be received from the University of Pretoria with details of your student number. A duration of 15 working days is when usually the University of Pretoria responds to an applicant about his/her application request.

Tracking University Of Pretoria Application Status

Normally when applications are done most students turn to unrest as they are yet to find out if their requested universities granted them admission. With TUKs an applicant can sit at the comfort of their homes and check if their application was successful. 

Steps To Track Your UP TUKS Application Status

1. Kindly visit 

2. Scroll your mouse cursor and select ‘’UP Online’’ and subsequently ‘’UP Online Application Status’’

3. Click on UP Login to be taken to the Login page area. 

4. Put in your credentials (username and password) 

5. Click on submit 

University Of Pretoria Prospectus

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