NWU Application Status And Prospectus

As part of the numerous South African Universities which get hundreds of applications each year, it tells you how education and universities in South Africa are best. 

North West University is a university you cannot mention in South Africa without mentioning NWU. 

As part of getting admission to the university after application, an applicant must track his/her application to know the status of their application. 

Most of the times applicants tend to forget as well as face challenges in tracking their application status. 

In this article, we have outlined the steps one needs to use to track their NWU application status.

Has NWU Responded To Your Application Yet?

Are you yet to receive a response from North West university? Worry your head, not as NWU has a period of six to eight weeks before responding to an application. So if you are an applicant and your application hasn’t exceeded the said time frame then you need not worry your head. So in simple terms, an application must be checked from six weeks upwards. 

Step by Step Guide To Check NWU Application Status

Are you an applicant or a guardian wanting to check your application status with NWU? Well, you are at the right place as we have listed the stages to help you track your application status. 


To track an application status with North West University, kindly visit http://studies.nwu.ac.za/undergraduate-studies/application-status


Provide your STUDENT NUMBER  as well as your PIN 


Submit to view your status

NWU Prospectus

Prospectus as we all know plays an integral role in admission to a University. It helps an applicant find the requirements of the University he/she wants to apply to. 

Below is a link to download, view or print the NWU prospectus.

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